Wednesday, December 11, 2002

It's about time I wrote something other than a few sentences, isn't it? I haven't written a proper entry since Monday night, but that business about the school in Columbia kind of freaked me out a little.

I'm surprised I didn't completely wreck this site by editing the HTML using Mozilla and Galeon. When you edit the code using these otherwise excellent browsers, through some weird glitch, they add and change stuff in your code. Now I may be dangerously paranoid, but I'm not making this up. It's happened to me several times, but never again, because I swear on my enormous collection of porn that I'll never edit my blog's HTML with anything other than that rat bastard browser, Internet Explorer. (Bill Gates, I'll see you in hell!) And until I get a copy of Windows, I'm going to be stuck editing code at school or in the public library like a wino. (Not to imply that the winos in my area specifically edit code of any kind in the public library.)

Remember Sunday when I wrote something about starting another notebook? Well, I haven't touched it since Sunday, which is pretty much how my journal keeping died in the first place.

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