Wednesday, December 11, 2002

I used to spend a lot of time in the public library using the computers because I didn't have an internet connection. (Stop laughing!) The library's near a halfway house of some sort for the homeless, mentally ill, etc., so some of these folks tend to hang out at the library. Once I saw this guy using one of the computers and every few minutes he'd jump up and shake his head like he'd been hit in the face with water, then he'd sit back down and continue whatever he was doing. I was both fascinated and disturbed by his behavior, mainly because I hoped he wouldn't suddenly pull out a big knife and start stabbing people, but also because here was a homeless guy who was obviously out of his mind, and yet he knew how to use the internet. I found this almost inspiring.

God, the public library. I remember when I used to go the public library and check out books, then I'd actually read them. Scary, huh?

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