Saturday, August 02, 2003

I see dead people.

I always cap off my week with a visit to Famous Deaths-Week in Review. Who knows why the deaths of famous people is so darned interesting to me, but it is.

While perusing the list of everyone who died, I saw that a Bollywood actor named Johnny Walker had died. He was supposedly referred to as India's answer to Bob Hope. And he died two days after Bob Hope. Odd.

The oddest related entertainment deaths I can think of happened back in 1996. McLean Stevenson, best known for playing Lt. Col. Henry Blake on the TV show, M*A*S*H died on February 15, 1996. The next day, a character actor named Roger Bowen died. Bowen is best known for playing Lt. Col. Henry Blake in the 1970 movie version of MASH.

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