Monday, October 27, 2003

Sunday Afternoon Tedium.

I'm undecided about the whole Daylight Saving Time concept. On one hand it's a nice change, but on the other hand I hate having to adjust a bunch of clocks. And I especially hate adjusting a bunch of clocks only to have the power get knocked out for an hour and a half. Then, when the power comes back on, I get to reset the ones that aren't battery-powered again. What fun.

And what do you do on a Sunday afternoon after you've wasted all that time turning back all of those clocks and the power goes out? I sat in the dark trying to read by flashlight. Eventually I gave up and just lied down on the couch to take a nap. When the power came back on it scared the heck out of me.

Yes, this was the only thing in my life that's happened to me lately that I felt was worth writing about. What can I say? I lead an astonishing dull life.

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