Thursday, April 03, 2003

Yesterday someone left something in Icelandic in my comments. My curiosity got the better of me, so I searched and searched for free translation site the could handle Icelandic. Eventually I found one. It wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but at least it was free, and I was able to find out that the comment read, "Hæhæ. What are accustom snuggle up to irrational number about on this side? chicken pasta Myself Finnish you completely superb gaur, maybe you return what I mean. Skilurðu orð with accordingly whom I is snuggle up to say?" And to that I reply, "Huh?" (I like that "snuggle up to".)

At the same web page you can read automatically translated news from various countries; one Icelandic newssource had the following: "policeman try snuggle up to forbid scrape together after Molotov cocktail var throw snuggle up to him into mótmælaaðgerðunum into Aþenu today." Lots of snuggling up to in Iceland apparently; I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I'm also not sure if either of the two translations above technically count as actual translations.

I was just "reading" through the translated Icelandic news web site and saw the following in a story called, "Liv Tyler Wedding Swagger": "kvikmyndaleikkonan Liv Tyler hast plaster of paris breska poppsöngvaranum Royston Longitudinal while they á brjósti verið gather into - þrír year. Spokesman Tylers sayest snuggle up to youthful married couple hafi marry swagger 25, March river eyju into Karíbahafi while reception worth supposed pay lip service to nánustu kinsfolk into New York after into þess vegna month." This was just too stupid not to post.

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