Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I'm still on hiatus, part II.

I got my feed up and working finally. I kept trying to use the feed URL Blogger told me to use which is my regular URL with /atom.xml stuck on the end. That never worked. I set up the feed on my secret R&D blog and it worked using this addition to the URL. I saw another blog that had their feed up and running and they too had the /atom.xml URL. So what was the problem with Volume22? I found out, by accident when I republished the entire blog, that my feed URL for some strange reason is my regular URL plus /rss/volume22.xml. Huh? So, be warned if you plan to set one of these feeds up that the URL Blogger tells you the feed is on may not be the URL it's actually on. If that makes any sense. I only barely understand it.

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