Monday, February 24, 2003

Woo-hoo! I've got my site's daily traffic down to the low single digits! If I keep this up it'll be in negative numbers, if that's even possible.

Has anyone ever had their blog made into a movie? I hope not.

Are there any blogs in weird, obscure, almost extinct languages like [insert the name of a weird, obscure, almost extinct language only known to linguists whose job it is to know about such things]?

Ever notice how people who use one blogging service tend to mostly read and link to other blogs who use that same service? Look at my links; out of 22, half of them are Blogger sites, there's one Diaryland site, and I think the rest are independents who don't use services. And if you go over to a blog hosted by one of the other blogging/journaling/whatever sites like Live Journal, Diaryland, Interactive X, Blog Studio, etc., etc., etc. you'll find that most of the links on them are other blogs hosted by that service. It's like it's a rule: If you have a Blog Donkey blog, you may only link to other Blog Donkey blogs because you're now part of the Blog Donkey blogging community and we want to keep out the riff-raff. But there are no rules as far as I know, besides the kind of stuff Live Journal has with friends lists (which isn't really the same thing--I don't think).

So why do we cluster with our own kind? My guess is that it's mostly laziness and maybe an unwillingness to seek out something new in unfamiliar areas. (It also may have something to do with the fact that some of these blogging services host sites that seem to be ignored by Google. And if the site's invisible to Google it might as well not even exist.) Since I use Blogger, I have to go to Blogger's home page whenever I want to post stuff in my blog. At Blogger's home page they have a list of recently updated blogs, so if I look at new blog, just out of convinience, more than likely it'll be hosted by Blogger. (If this isn't making any sense you can blame it on the fact that I'm all cranked up and bouncing off the walls on caffeine. God help anyone who wants to talk to me on the phone anytime soon.) And when I go to these new Blogger blogs, more than likely they'll be linking to mostly other Blogger blogs also. It's self perpetuating. We build our own ghettos and don't even notice.

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