Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Well, I've solved one the mysteries of why my site traffic has gone up: someone is linking to my blog. A couple of hours after I installed the Extreme tracker thingamajig, I visited my blog with a school computer before my desktop publishing class started, and tried out the new tracker. Listed in the data was this url: I visited said blog, and there on the left side of the page was Volume 22 listed in the blog links. My natural reaction was, "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" My second reaction was, "Why the hell would anyone link to me? My blog's only ten days old, AND IT SUCKS!" [Damn Caps Lock key keeps getting stuck.]

Maybe people in the UK and Europe (where most of my hits seem to come from) just love reading about a lunatic's completely pointless obsession with Icelandic blogs. Or maybe they're waiting for the detailed instructions on how I make the tinfoil hat I wear so the CIA can't listen to my brain waves. (The secret's in the soon-to-be-patented triple-layer design.)

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