Sunday, January 19, 2003

A couple of days ago I left a comment at a blog (that doesn't need a link from me) about how I waste too much time trying to come up with stuff for my blog when I should just write something dull, translate it into Korean at Babelfish, and then translate it back into English. Well, below is the second of yesterday's paragraphs given such a treatment; I find it both oddly poetic and complete gibberish.

It will carry and my apologies it dies there is as for a location stats thing to my schedule grudge individual whom it thinks. Anyone which has a price it hangs but regarding when it writes, I me or will pull the interest regarding a day lifetime and it will be vague and the silence which it does joyfully it will split, it will write, theyn the place, there is not that le B. It will go out and even it will except my location stats and it will be roundabout and the tube it will plant, it pulls, that it discovers, now it has not been thin severe to right. The huh it is dull?

Babelfish is great, last night I typed in my blog's URL and translated the whole thing into Korean, Japanese, German, French, and Italian. I enjoyed doing this pointless activity far more than any normal, healthy individual should.

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