Thursday, July 01, 2004

Search Request Stupidity.

Over the past couple of months I've been accumulating oddball search requests that led hapless web surfers to my humble blog.

when i shower with girls my vagina gets wet is this ok
I'd be more worried if while you were in the shower your vagina didn't get wet. You know, because of all of that water. (Oh, god, my life is so empty.)

hillbilly racing mules
Just because I live in the South people automatically start making assumptions.

Turtle erectile disfunction
There's no greater tragedy in all of nature.

phobia of lobsters
Lobsters: scary, but tasty.

male raccoons don't have nipples
I've never checked, but since the Virginia raccoons have rabies, I'm going to hold off despite my sudden curiousity.

conservative woman bikini photos
They're wearing really big bikinis.

what can i use to remove a homemade tattoo that is inexpensive and you can do it at home
Cheese grater? Sandpaper?

sideburn templates
My barber needed a set of these this morning. She shaved my sideburns off completely even when I specifically said not to.

large volume enema
Doing a little spring cleaning, are we?

ant-thing goes anime porn
I don't know what that is, but if you find it, could you please let me know; I'm more than a little curious.

=exercises porn stars uses
Insert lame comment about picking up coins without using their hands, feet, or mouth.

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