Monday, December 15, 2003

Beckett Redux.

A couple of days ago I wondered if there were any available recordings of Samuel Beckett's voice. Yesterday I remembered a program called (I think) Beckett Directs Beckett I found while messing around with my parents big satellite dish in the early 90's. I only watched a couple of minutes of it because the L.A. riots had been going on for a day or two and I wanted to watch a raw news feed of looters that was being shot from a helicopter. I figured the Beckett program would be on again, so I watched the live looting. How often do you get to see looting on live TV with no commercial interruptions? Anyway, I never saw the Beckett program again, and I have no idea if it has any footage or recordings of Beckett's voice.

Today I did a search on Beckett Directs Beckett and found this interesting looking site. I haven't explored it that much, but it may have what I'm looking for or at least a link to what I'm looking for.

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